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lunar space中文是什么意思

用"lunar space"造句"lunar space"怎么读"lunar space" in a sentence


  • 近月空间
  • 月球空间


  • The galactic confederation of light is here with an enormous fleet of ships known as the fleet the first contact that surrounds all this solar system and specially gaia and its lunar space station
  • This change is part of the magnificent plan of the creation and each one , and everything what is on , inside and around the planet including a its lunar space station , that you know like the moon ; everything is being affected
  • First , the dissertation researches the characteristics of deep space communication and the popular space communication protocol , such as ccsds , omni etc . according to the functions of communication controller for data link layer protocol , it analyses the characteristics of the channel of space communication both in lunar surface and lunar space , and also provides the relevant controlling projects of data link layer protocol
    首先,研究了深空通信的特点以及应用较为广泛的空间通信协议,如ccsds 、 omni等空间通信协议族。根据通信控制器对链路层协议进行控制的主要功能,分别分析了月地、月上空间通信的信道特点,进而提出了相应链路协议的控制方案。
  • At the first international lunar space workshop in switzerland earlier this year , the european space agency ( esa ) suggested collaborating with international space agencies including those of the us , russia and japan and with scientists from other countries on a project that could culminate in a permant moon base
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